
2014年5月26日 星期一


我喜歡壓力(適度), 在壓力下我會很快完成工作。是嗎? 真的?
今天我完成了二三件重要任務, 身心舒暢。工作中的壓力能產生動力有幾個條件:
1. 這件任務的完成時間不能太長久, 所以大項目要分柝為幾個短的小項目;
2. 這個項目的完成雖然困難便是能夠掌握的 (within control)
3. 這個項目已經在腦裡一段發酵過的時間

和生理有關的習慣需要連續的 21 天持續不斷的行為和動作, 就可以養成為習慣。思維上的習慣聽說要三年, perception (觀念) 卻是可即時也可要一大段時間才能改變過來。Transformation (變更)是本質 essence 和 本體 form 的改變。時間呢?


昨天我提出中小企成功因素有三個。後來感激 David 補充了一點,就是 persistent 堅持(或堅忍)。 我十分同意。 我在台灣創業時,發展了一套非常先進的產品,到了推廣、製造期間遇到財務和人事問題而散伙,現在回想,非常可惜。這就是犯了沒有堅忍的錯了。
另外, Jim Collins 也提出第五階的領袖要 (1) 謙虛; (2) 推動和堅持。


1 知識的投資 - 行業的知識 business intelligence, 包括客戶、巿場、競爭者、產品或服務
2 增加生產力 productivity 的投資 - 仔細檢視價值鏈的重要環節,減低該環節的成本(或時間)或增加該環節的輸出價值
3 投資未來 (investment in the future) - 當決定了今年投資的數目(金錢和時間)後,可遵2:7:1 的公式,就是:20% 放棄掉投在現今的項目,70% 投放在短期而又有把握的項目上,10% 投放在較長線的項目上。

SME 的難苦

這幾年我走了和人生上半場不一樣子的路,過往生活在大機構、大企業間,見的聞的都是宏才偉略; 這幾年卻在小機構、小企業做事,開始能夠體會到那些負責SME 的難苦。

我這幾年對小企業的體會十分膚淺,也是輻時所見, 不韋與大家分享少少心得。中小企成功有頼幾方面, 其中重要的: 投資、領導(老闆)、和組織(包括人才)。

Thinking pattern determines our communication style


I am teaching a postgraduate class in management. In each session I raised 1 major question. The last session I asked, "What is management?" and "What is effectiveness?"
It is interesting to note as I reflect on what I did. I tend to ask more basic and conceptual questions (Habitually.) I could have asked, "How does effectiveness improve our career success?" or "How to increase one's effectiveness in the workplace?"
Thinking determines our styles.

2012年4月19日 星期四

Good habits

Good habits

I was reading a book review on "The Power of Habit."  The writer, Charles Duhigg was a professional writer, not a psychologist, and we could find faults with his theories. 

However, I found the simple "habit loop" starting with a cue, a routine which to the reward presented by him is useful.  The cue leads you to follow a familiar routine and it reaches to a reward.  This habit loop is put in other forms, like the work done by Heath brothers (book title Switch).

I have created a habit loop for me to get up early to work and it keeps me happy the whole day, gaining productivity and friendship at work. The cue - using my iPhone to capture the city's morning scene; the routine - take a un-hurried walk along the harbor (I spend about 10 minutes more this way.) But I have much to gain in health and in work achievement.

Create your own cue to form some good habits.